***Practice Cancelled Tuesday 1/21 due to Lakewood City School Closure***
Tournament Recap
An action packed weekend in Detroit for Cleveland as they tied their way into a successful weekend! Cleveland went 0-3-1 on the weekend, with an exciting tie against Motor City Unleaded!
Action Packed Highlights
- The women of CWPC including Liz, Danielle, Trish, Maggie & Kim owned 2M on both ends of the pool with crafty defense, strong 2D stances, maybe a couple extra kick-outs (debatable), smart assists and goals for days - not to mention the tournament wide compliments on their dance skills
- When Charlie wasn't busy being father of the year, he was busy putting the ball in the back of the net alongside Christian who was looking to impress his own family in the stands with an amazing weekend
- Max's t-shot will continue to be heard at the back of the net for all of eternity
- Big shouts to Alex & Tyler as their confidence continues to build in the water and their defensive skills shine bright in these cold, snowy months
- Congratulations to Ryan on his first debut with Cleveland and a successful one at that
- With bbq on the brain, and water polo in his heart, Brian took care of his teammates in the stands and opponents in the pool, while Tepe built a brick wall around the cage that could only be penetrated with extreme force
- Kyle Ford used his long locks on defense and his quick arm offense resulting in multiple goals and 2 assists to his wife (good news -they will continue to be married)
Annual Meeting Sunday Feb. 2nd at Noon
12pm noon on Sunday Feb. 2nd had the most members available to meet, so mark your calendars! The location is TBA but will almost definitely be a bar in Lakewood.
That means the deadline to declare board candidacies (via the poll) is Sunday Jan. 26th at midnight.
You must be current with your dues to vote in the board election. See the previous post for information and pay on the Membership Page.