Friday, March 7, 2008

Sign ups needed ASAP

Tournament organizers from Carnegie Mellon and OU have requested roster information and entry fees. Please download the form linked on the right sidebar if you have not already.

This information is due by the end of next week, which is Friday, March 14 so we can maintain our entry into each event.

If you have turned in a form but not payment, please catch up on fees by March 14.

For those listed as signed up for Carnegie Mellon, I need your payment or confirmation by Thursday (bring to Sunday at HB or Thursday at CSU).

If you don't respond by Thursday, your spot will be offered to others. Also, email me if you are not on this list and you should be.

For OU, signups will be taken by turning in your registration form and payment. I will post an updated roster at the end of the week for this one.