Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Practice Sunday, Dues, Registration

Happy New Year! Welcome to another year of Cleveland Water Polo. We are extremely excited about the direction of the team, as we continue to grown and expand. Financially, we are working to put ourselves in a position to acquire new caps and balls. We are also evaluating several potential sponsors that would help purchase goals for CSU. As we begin the new year there are a few things we need every member, new and old to do.

First, dues for the Winter Season (January - April) will be $60 for members, and $40 for students. These dues are due no later than February 14th. You can pay via the website or via check. Please make the checks out to Cleveland Water Polo Club and give them to Matt or Kevin.

Second, outstanding dues. There are a number of us, myself included, that have been rather lax on our payment of dues to the club. Kevin, Wade and I have been working to correct this issue. Several members will be receiving emails with statements regarding any outstanding dues owed. Please be diligent in paying anything outstanding. As we solidify the organization, the need to have a steady and consistant cash flow is becoming more necessary. Please be mindful, that our dues will be going toward the payment of purchase of new caps, balls, etc as we need them.

Third, every member needs to complete a few registration forms. These forms include the American Water Polo registration, the club waiver, and an update of your emergency contact information. This information can be downloaded from the website (they will be posted within 24 hours) or in hard copy at practice. We require that every member complete these forms, as it covers each player and the club for insurance.

Finally, the practices through the first two weeks of February will be held for HB on Sundays from 1-3 pm. Akron will be having practices throughout the week, those days / times are TBD. Following the second week of February, we will start practice back up at CSU.