Monday: 8-10 PM @ Akron
Wednesday: 8-10 PM @ Akron
Thursday: 7:30-9:30 PM @ CSU (Contact me directly for directions to enter the facility)
Below is a schedule and updated roster for this weekend. It is shaping up to be a great weekend for a tournament. If you have any further questions please let me know.
- Steve T.
- Steve H.
- Brad S.
- Wade W.
- Kevin Z.
- Carl
- Alex V.
- Colby
- Matt K.
- Allen
- Nico
- Preetha
- Larry K. (Saturday)
- Kevin A. (Sunday)
Saturday, April 10th
1. 10:00 am Cleveland vs. Wilmington
2. 10:50 am Ohio University vs. Xavier
3. 11:40 am Toronto vs. Akron
4. 12:30 pm Pittsburgh vs. OH Squirrels
5. 1:20 pm Xavier vs. Wilmington
6. 2:10 pm Cleveland vs. Ohio University
3:00 pm Break
7. 3:30 pm OH Squirrels vs. Akron
8. 4:20 pm Toronto vs. Pittsburgh
9. 5:10 pm Cleveland vs. Xavier
10. 6:00 pm Ohio University vs. Wilmington
11. 6:50 pm Pittsburgh vs. Akron
Sunday, April 11th
12. 8:30 pm Toronto vs. OH Squirrels
13. 9:30 am 4th in A vs. 4th in B 7th place
14. 10:30 am 3rd in A vs. 3rd in B 5th place
15. 11:30 am 2nd in A vs. 2nd in B 3rd place
16. 12:30 pm 1st in A vs. 1st in B FINAL
Finally, as a reminder, Cleveland Water Polo T-shirts are available for this weekend. Contact Kevin directly for more information @
Also, Summer session dues are now payable. Please be diligent about paying both your dues and tournament fees. From April - September $100 ($50 student), tournament fees for this weekend are $25. Please make sure you pay tournament fees prior to this weekend either by check, or via the website.