Monday, April 5, 2010

Practice Schedule for this Week, Schedule for this Weekend

As a reminder, the scheduled practices for this week are:

Monday: 8-10 PM @ Akron
Wednesday: 8-10 PM @ Akron
Thursday: 7:30-9:30 PM @ CSU (Contact me directly for directions to enter the facility)

Below is a schedule and updated roster for this weekend. It is shaping up to be a great weekend for a tournament. If you have any further questions please let me know.

  1. Steve T.
  2. Steve H.
  3. Brad S.
  4. Wade W.
  5. Kevin Z.
  6. Carl
  7. Alex V.
  8. Colby
  9. Matt K.
  10. Allen
  11. Nico
  12. Preetha
  13. Larry K. (Saturday)
  14. Kevin A. (Sunday)

Schedule of Games for this Weekend:

Saturday, April 10th

1. 10:00 am Cleveland vs. Wilmington
2. 10:50 am Ohio University vs. Xavier
3. 11:40 am Toronto vs. Akron
4. 12:30 pm Pittsburgh vs. OH Squirrels
5. 1:20 pm Xavier vs. Wilmington
6. 2:10 pm Cleveland vs. Ohio University
3:00 pm Break
7. 3:30 pm OH Squirrels vs. Akron
8. 4:20 pm Toronto vs. Pittsburgh
9. 5:10 pm Cleveland vs. Xavier
10. 6:00 pm Ohio University vs. Wilmington
11. 6:50 pm Pittsburgh vs. Akron

Sunday, April 11th

12. 8:30 pm Toronto vs. OH Squirrels
13. 9:30 am 4th in A vs. 4th in B 7th place
14. 10:30 am 3rd in A vs. 3rd in B 5th place
15. 11:30 am 2nd in A vs. 2nd in B 3rd place
16. 12:30 pm 1st in A vs. 1st in B FINAL

Finally, as a reminder, Cleveland Water Polo T-shirts are available for this weekend. Contact Kevin directly for more information @

Also, Summer session dues are now payable. Please be diligent about paying both your dues and tournament fees. From April - September $100 ($50 student), tournament fees for this weekend are $25. Please make sure you pay tournament fees prior to this weekend either by check, or via the website.