Sunday, October 24, 2010

Practice this Week

Cleveland Water Polo will be practicing Monday, Wednesday and Sunday this week.

Monday and Wednesday will both be at Akron from 8-10PM. Sunday will be at HB at 1PM.

A few house cleaning details.

1) We will be back at CSU starting mid-February. With high school swimming season starting, available pool time is becoming more limited. Please be aware that our practice schedule again shift as we get closer to Thanksgiving.

2) If you currently owe dues from either Bowling Green or for practice, please be diligent in paying them. Dues are the life blood of our organization. Fall season dues are $60, and the BG tournament fee was $25.

3) Will will be acquiring new practice caps within the next few weeks. Please aware that our dues help pay for these caps. We will also be acquiring new Game Caps. More detail to come in the next few weeks.

4) Finally, we have several Cleveland Water Polo t-shirts still available. If you would like one, please buy it online, or ask Kevin or I about them.

See you in the water this week.
