Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunday at noon at HB, Squirrels poll

Upcoming Practices
  • Sunday, Nov. 17 at HB, noon
  • Tuesday, Nov. 19 at CSU, 8 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 21 at CSU, 8 p.m.

Ohio Squirrels; Nutty Invitational interest poll
Help us get a gauge of our roster potential for a tournament in Cincinnati hosted by Ohio Squirrels, Feb. 22-23, 2014. Take the very short poll here.

Dues reminders - final notice
If you have not paid Q4 2013 dues, we will remind you this week and afterward you will need to be current in order to enter the water. There are just a few people left, thanks to many of you for helping us stay on track.