Upcoming Practices
Thursday, 2/5 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM at CSU
Sunday, 2/8 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM at Lakewood HS
Tuesday, 2/10 8:30 - 10:0 PM at Lakewood HS
**If you ever have additional questions regarding date and times of practice/tournaments please refer to our calendar. It can be found on the right side of the webpage above the "Quick Links."
A Note About Practices ...
At our annual meeting the team discussed putting more effort into practice and really optimizing our time. That being said, we are also being asked to clear the deck by the end of our practice time. So please get in the water ready to go by the start of practice! This will allow us plenty of time in the water, while still adhering to the pool's policies. Plus, we are Olympians.. and Olympians get in the pool on time. That is all.
Spring Tournament Poll
Please take a moment and let us know your availability for a few upcoming tournaments this Spring. We need to know ASAP in order to set our schedule. Please follow the link here to take it now!
Also, please note The Nutty Invite Roster is filled!
Throw Back Thursday
Coach in his Glory Days