Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Join us tonight before the Cavs game...

Upcoming Practices

  •    Thursday, 6/11 from 7:00pm - 8:30 pm at CSU
  •    Sunday, 6/14 *There will be no polo at Lakewood HS
  •    Tuesday, 6/16 begins Outdoor Polo at Lakewood Park*

**As the Cavs are on track for a Championship we will be ending practice at 8:30pm to allow for people to go watch the game. Please note moving forward practices will go until 9:00pm.

Youth Water Polo Demonstration
CWPC has been invited back to do a 20 minute presentation for the youth of Mayfield on Saturday, June 27th at 2;30pm at Parkview Pool in Mayfield. All parties available and interested,  please let us know by taking the survey now. 

Spring Youth Water Polo Clinic
The 2015 Spring Youth Water Polo Clinic will begin June 20th and run through July 18th (excluding 7/4). Please spread the word about this awesome clinic hosted at Mayfield's outdoor venue, Parkview Pool. Feel free to contact Brendon with any questions and sign up here now.

Let's Go Cavs!