Tuesday, July 7, 2015

New cages, play outdoors at the Ledges on August 8

Upcoming Practices
  • Thursday, July 9: 7-9 p.m. at CSU
  • Sunday, July 12: 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Lakewood HS
  • Tuesday, July 14: 8-10 p.m. at Foster Pool in Lakewood 

New cages being ordered
The CWPC Board has approved purchase of a new set of Anti Wave "Flipfloat" goals that are the same model as the ones at CSU. The new set will be stored at Lakewood High School and will replace the inflatable goals at that location. The manufacturer is on back order so delivery is expected in late August or early September.

Atlanta Registration now open
Dynamo's Powerbar Cup is August 29-30 in Atlanta. Online registration is now open. CWPC is not subsidizing travel or lodging, but contact Kasi for options.

Pay your 616 lodging! (you know who you are)

Play outdoor polo at Nelson's Ledges
Sign ups are open for the NLQP Water Polo Scramble August 8th, 2015. The pre-sale ends on August 1st and teams will be selected at random. Click here to check out the website for more information.