Chicago Tournament
Please take a moment and give your availability for the tournament in Chicago on November 21-22. Take the poll now.
Cincinnati Tournament
We have also been to the Nutty Invitation March 5-6, 2016 in Cincinnati. Let us know your availability today.. Obviously this tournament is a ways out, but we will need to reserve our spot now if we would like to attend.
Annual Meeting Poll
It's time to schedule our annual meeting to be held at the Harry Buffalo in Lakewood following a normal Sunday Practice. Please fill out the poll here to help schedule the event. The annual meeting is great time to talk about the success of the past year, the future of the program and of course vote for our board members. Your attendance and voice is greatly appreciated and we hope everyone is able to join. This poll will be closed at the end of the month so give us your feedback now.
Upcoming Practices
- Tuesday, 10/27 8:30pm - 10:00pm at Lakewood HS
- Thursday, 10/29 8:00pm - 10:00 pm at CSU
- Sunday, 11/1 9:30am - 11:30am at Lakewood HS