- Tuesday, 6/19, 8:00pm - 10:00pm at Lakewood Park
- Thursday, 6/21, 7:00pm - 9:00pm at CSU
- Sunday, 6/24, 9:00am - 10:30am at Avon Lake
616 Results
Solid efforts by those who traveled to Grand Rapids this past weekend to play in the 616 Tournament. Cleveland took home a win over the 616 Coed Team and fell to Motor City, Apostles and Club of Chicago. Huge thanks to all who made the trip. Per the usual, Cleveland wins most fun!
The Quarry Scramble
It's that time of year again, QUARRY SCRAMBLE SIGN UPS! Quarry takes place Aug 4-5th in Garrettsville, Ohio. Sign ups are in groups of 3 this year, so chose wisely.