Purchase your 2022 CWPC Suits and Towels by Wednesday, 1/26
Items Available:
- Men's Polo Suits in Blue or Black - $39
- Women's Suits in Black - $70
- CWPC Towels - $36 or $39
How to Order:
Apparel can be ordered via the CWPC Zumo online shop independently. All items will be shipped in bulk to the team and distributed at practices in the coming weeks. Link to the online shop can be found on the "Online Shop" tab of the CWPC website or via the link below. Our ordering window is short so please submit ASAP!
What: The Annual Meeting to discuss upcoming events, board elections, socialization.
When: Sunday, 1/30 - noonish
Where: O'Toole's Bar - 13601 Detroit Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107. We will have their private side room all to ourselves.
What Else: Please feel free to submit discussion topics for the meeting here.
Upcoming Practices:
- Tuesday, 1/25 - 8:30pm - 10:00pm
- Sunday, 1/30 - 9:30am - 11:30am
If you plan on playing all year round, annual dues are the way to go! Pay yours today!