Name: Mac Hancock
Hometown: Brunswick, OH
Family members: 4 brother and 1 sister
Did any of them play polo: Nope. We all have swam competitively to one degree or another but I’m hoping to eventually get my older brother to come play.
How long have you been a swimmer: I swam competitively for 15 years, starting back when I was 6.
Do your family members swim: everyone swims except my sister. My younger brothers swim for SwimUnited and Grove City College.
Where do you live now: I’m still living at home, but hopefully not for much longer (I hear there’s a realtor on the team?)
What is your occupation: I work with my dad servicing wide format printers and provide network management.
What is one random fact about you or your job most people don’t know: The first time I was on a plane, I was flying it.
Years/months playing polo: 6 months
Years w/CWPC: 6 months
Favorite CWPC memory so far: The Lake Erie Classic!
Favorite post polo snack & beverage: In college I’d kill for an all you can eat Chinese buffet right after practice.
Favorite position to play: Love those sprints!
What did you think of your first polo tourney: It was great to play with some new people with different styles. I was definitely able to see where they were kicking my butt and where I need to improve.
How many polo suits do you own: 0 because I was not in the group me when the order link was sent out

What is your favorite part about water polo in general: It’s a completely different style of swimming than I’m used to. I had great underwaters in college but they’re useless in water polo! In some ways I feel I am in a very similar shape to when I swam in college.
Fun fact about yourself: I’m missing almost half my teeth!
How did you get involved with CWPC: I didn’t want to swim by myself, but wanted to stay in the water. In college, I ran the score table for our women’s team so was familiar with the sport. I decided to give it a shot.
Why do you stick around: I love the later practices and the help I get from everyone during play time.
Favorite quote: “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to”
Describe your ideal practice: Any practice with more than one sub!
Favorite piece of water polo advice anyone has ever given you: Jacob Sobczak told me one of my first weeks that if I wanted to get comfortable with the ball, just start f*uckin around with it and tossing it to yourself any chance you get.
Anything you'd like to share with us?: Just wanted to say a big thank you for all the tips, especially after the tournament! Appreciative of the patience after I drop half my passes during practice!
What Mac's teammates have to say about him ...
"I am so proud and excited for how quickly Mac has picked up water polo - it's really fun to see!"
"He definitely pays his dues on time..."
"He is picking up the subtleties of the game very fast -- not as fast as he can swim, but pretty fast."
"Whenever I see him ... I think of that song 'Return of the Mack' ... once again..."