Friday, January 3, 2025

Please Pay Your Dues, Take Annual Meeting Poll

Happy HoliDUES from Cleveland Water Polo Club

It's the best time of the year! Please ensure you are up to date with your membership dues for 2025-- details below.  

Annual Dues (2025 calendar year) -- No Change from 2024

$200 for the year (Non-Student)
$120 for the year (Student)
$100 for summer only

Monthly Dues-- New Rates

$25 per month (Non-Student, up from $20)
$15 per month (Student, up from $12)

*NOTE*  If you are currently on a monthly subscription and wish to remain monthly, you do not have to take any action; the payments will automatically be adjusted to $25 and you will receive a notification to the email you used for PayPal.

Annual Meeting

Please continue to take the poll!